Evernote and Formative Assessment

I find, when working on projects, that I end up having conversations with my students about their work and then need to take notes about what we had

Class Folders in Evernote

discussed. I rotate through each student looking at their work offering suggestions listening to their comments and having them tell me why they choose to do what they did. Recently on a scratch animation project I tried using my Ipod touch to record these conversations. I use the Evernote App to record them then save the recording to a public notebook on my Evernote account. Using the RSS block in Moodle I then use the RSS feed associated with the Evernote notebook and bring the links to the audio file into Moodle. Adding a /feed to the publicly shared notebook will give you the feed. Still have to think through my questions but I think this will be a good way to add formative assessment to what I do.




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