Working With WordPress 3.1

We have our grade seven class on a Sandbox Server testing WordPress 3.1+ before we migrate the rest of the school to this system.

Settings set to search engines blocked.

With our current WordPressmu 2.9 install I use the WordPress MU Sitewide Tags plugin. This is a great plugin that allows you to create one blog that has content from all the blogs in the system. Using this we can showcase all of our students work. When I moved the grade 7 class to our trial WordPress install, however, I had trouble getting sitewide tags to work.


I was looking at the blog privacy settings for students and noticed that all the students had the search engines blocked as a default setting. When I changed one of the blogs settings as shown above posts that I published on the student blog also were on the main blog. So I used YD Network-wide Options to change all the blogs visibility settings to on. Tested out blog posts made from other blogs and sure enough the posts were on the main blog.

Setting blog_public to 1 for yes to make blog visible

As this is a block H post I should mention something about time. I have been given 80 minutes every other day to work on Portal related issues. This includes theming our WordPress and Moodle installs, adding plugins, modules and blocks and learning about new versions such as Moodle 2 and WordPress 3. Creating user guides and also trying new versions with students to better understand possible issues.

The above few paragraphs took a lot of time, far more than the time given to me during Block H. Trial and error trouble shooting, installing then reinstalling WordPress before I chanced upon the final solution. I will be interesting to see how this all comes together next year when this work is added to a colleagues already busy schedule.

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