TTT and Moodle

Last weeks TTT’s made me think of a lot of things and I have a few drafts yet to publish.

One thing I learnt at the PD sessions was that I approach the information I put out on Moodle differently than the others I was with. My belief is that you make the student content (what the student sees and needs to see) very minimal.

For Middle School, in particular, I think simplicity of design is best. Few distractions. Surveys I have run with my students tell me they like simple as well.

When I have spoken to others they don’t look at it the same way. They have all of their content visible.

For me that just looks like a Bunch of Stuff.

I like…….

One section. Delineated sections. Content in books. Content not needed = content not visible. Simple and clean.

I guess in the bigger picture it’s not a big deal just a preference although I wonder about knowledge and training. I am more appreciative, however, of people who approach design with a student centered (they had some input) approach. So ask your students what they like.

Wonder if we should look at how tab based solutions might meet our needs. But these thoughts are probably best left for others. Been using Moodle for many years and wonder if there is something better out there?