
Just amazing how things have changed.

When she graduated out of play-school in Riyadh all I could think of was “who the hell graduates out of play-school”. But it was fun watching. We took pictures that we carried back to Edmonton for the grandparents.

A few years later and she graduates from High School. She was ready to leave Abu Dhabi and move back to Edmonton to experience university for the first time and winter for the second. We took a DVD with video and photos to share with her grandparents.

Today she graduated from the University of Alberta and we watched her on my iPad via a live feed. She was about 1200 km away. Trading comments and pictures with family and friends, in realtime, via our phones while her grandparents sat and watched.

Congrats Rea!

Photo was taken on my phone while watching graduation then sent to Parker via an iMessage. Then I sent it on to Twitter and Instagram. From Instagram it was auto-posted to my photoblog using Instagrate and sent to Flickr via IFTTT.

Andrea sent it to Facebook.

Things have really changed in ways that are amazing.


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