Looking at another iPad Workflow

The Science 7 classes and Ms C  are using the netbooks and Scribus to create a brochure that describes the physical and chemical properties of different assigned elements. The exemplar brochures were to a windows shared folder on our school network. I have been looking at exactly what I can and can’t  do with my iPad so I wanted to find how I could create a video of these PDF’s using only my iPad.

I thought this would be simply a matter of moving the PDF’s from the the windows shared folder to my dropbox folder then insert each one into Explain Everything. But, when you insert a pdf into an Explain Everything project it removes any previously inserted pdf. So I used Notability to combine all the pdf’s and exported the resulting document into dropbox and then imported it into Explain Everyhing.

So to create the video using ony my iPad I used:

  • Files Connect to access the shared windows server on my iPad
  • Notability to create one PDF from all os the student exemplar PDF’s
  • Explain Everything to create a video from the notability PDF

video below describes the steps I used to create the Explain Everything project. I created the video by recording what I did on my iPad using the Reflector App. I then added this video to Screenflow to add some text, annotations, audio and  gesty gesture icons to  from pixle.pl.


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