Blogging Cycle Again

Blogging Cycle

I wrote before about my thoughts on blogging, Diigo and Zotero. I created a cycle that I wanted the kids to go through with their blogging (I like mind maps). The cycle is fairly simple, students are given a reading, they use Diigo to mark up the document to create sticky notes and then use the sticky note to form the basis of a blog post. I like having them add a research part to this as well so I ask the students to find two other related posts then add the posts either as a quote or links.

I am looking at this once again so I can add the process to my Unit planning. The blog posts are fairly easy to track via RSS feeds but to see if the students were using Diigo I had to go to my teacher managed account and check to see that the students had bookmarked, added sticky notes and tagged the reading. I started doing a bit of research to see if there was a simpler way and found that I could RSS feed a Diigo tag. That means if I go to my groups and look for the tag like I have shown below. I can easily see all the sticky notes that have been added to the document.

I kept the bookmark public and the sticky note private. Will try this out tomorrow with my students using a variety of combinations of privacy settings  and hopefully it will be one more thing to add to the Rubicon unit.


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