Sandbox Upgrades

Sandbox 2
Image via Wikipedia

Have been forgetting to add what I have done in Period H over the last little while. Since the Sandbox servers are up and running (three different virtual servers with a mixture of Moodle 1.9, Moodle 2.0, Mahara 1.3 and WordPressMu 2.9) I thought I should start this up again.

Over the break I started to look at the upgrade of our WordPressMu install to WordPress 3.0+ it was a bit of a problem as I did not have full access to everything I needed so after what I thought was a failed attempt I started again.

First step was to configure my Mac so I could get to the servers. Following the instructions found at How to Edit Hosts Files – OSX and with the information given to me by our ICT administrator I was able to make the connection to the sandbox servers. At this point I had no FTP access and as the servers are behind a Proxy Server I needed to make some changes to the wp-config file so that the wordpress install would be able to get at the upgrade files;

define(‘WP_PROXY_HOST’, ‘proxyIP address’);
define(‘WP_PROXY_PORT’, ‘Port#’);

Next using the instructions on the WordPress Codex and WPMU Tutorials I got started clicked on the upgrade to WordPress 3.04 button and waited. I did not get any of the prompts about the  wp-content/blogs.php so I kept following the instructions:

  1. Deleted blogs.php out of the /wp-content/ folder.
  2. Update your htaccess rules to reflect this change.
    1. RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L] and change it to this: RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]

I also did not get the prompt for the nonce salt.

  1. Add the nonce salt to wp-config.php.
    1. define( ‘NONCE_SALT’, ‘6xF{&bvT_PAsmbnG<72.dJH>D8R8M!M{~r.U]-~j:rG!g!0(g7hvz)+/h9 IY7Ge’ ); It will give you your own salt, this is an example.

However, after a bit of searching I came across this post and followed the instructions on how to generate the salts and keys. So I went here get authentication keys and salts and add them to the wp-config file (I just replaced the seven I had with the eight new ones).

Finally noticed I did not have SuperAdmin privileges. After a bit of searching I read that you can give a user Superadmin rights by specifying the user in the wp-config file or by making changes in the database (have not tried the database changes yet and I think I will need to try this). Also finally realized why I did not see any of the prompts above – I was not in as a Superadmin! Anyhow,  I added  $super_admins =array( ‘admin’, ‘username’ ); to the wp-config file replacing username with my admin username. After logging out of the system then logging back in all was good.

Unfortunately, after all of this the way our system is setup I could not do the network update to all the blogs in the system as our system times out. Next step is to create a new WordPress install and start batch uploading all the users from a csv file I will create from moodle.

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