Google Earth Project Reflection

Google Earth
Image via Wikipedia

Things that went well
There was quite a bit of student interest in the project. The use of a presentation to back up what I showed and described worked well. Students used the presentation to help them in subsequent classes. Will need to do this on all of my lessons try to back up lesson content, either through video or presentation software.

Things to do differently
Modify the presentation to include use of student blogs to create the place markers. Next attempt I will have each placemarker on Google Earth correspond to a blog post. I will show students how to copy the HTML code into the Google Earth. This will make it easier to create the HTML code and result in fewer mistakes.
Look at finding locations on the Google Earth via gps so that the locating of different places visited is easier.
Need to create a system that makes it easier to collect photos. Most students used Facebook to display trip photos and not all students had access to the different albums. Might have students make the albums public then collect the photo album url through a moodle data base activity.
Create a similar activity for the grade seven class so that when they get to Week Without Walls in grade eight they will have some previous experience creating a Google Earth tour.
The wordpress google earth tour plugin did not display membedded images or video so I had to screencast the tour. This was a problem with the lab computers as our screencasting software did not pickup the audio. I had to let students use my personal computer to  create the screencasts. Will upload examples soon.

Initial Presentation

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