Another Flipped Tool

Interesting tool I came across when on Zite.

eduCanon allows you to add questions to videos that you or others created.

A variety of different question types.
edit menu
I tried an image in question 1. I created a Latex forumula using Mathpad which I then copied into Evernote using Everclip. I then copied the Latex into the equation editor for question 2 (overkill for simple equations!). On the last question I added a pause and a link to an Examview quiz I had made for another project. It opens the quiz in a new window and when you complete the quiz you can click on done to move ahead.

Pretty straight forward and useful tool. Pick the video add some questions then publish it. Has data management tools as well.

Free for basic uses. When you pay you get more free response questions search access to library of lessons and data download. Think some of the other flipped classroom teachers at school might look at this.



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