Reading News

Another circle!

I started with RSS back around 2006. Using Mac based RSS readers like NetNewsWire I started following and learning from a number of people. I gave my first RSS PD session in 2007 showing people

Image representing Zootool as depicted in Crun...
Image Selection in Zootool

As I mentioned before the one thing I wanted was to have total control over where my RSS feeds were housed so I set up Fever on a server so that I had this control. Over the past little while I am back to the workflow I had late last year. My feeds are on my server, I can once again use the Reeder app to read the feeds.

Using Twitter and any tweet I send with a link is automatically saved to my Diigo account. If I don’t want to tweet the link but want to save the link sending the link to Delicious with a Diigo tag forwards it to my Diigo account as well. If I run across an image I want to save or comment on opening the image in Zootool and adding the tag picks moves the image on to my odds and ends blog.

Took a while to get here but once again my mornings start with both Zite and Reeder.


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