Let’s Say


Marshmellow fluff
Image via Wikipedia

that you were looking for a new job at an overseas school and you wanted to impress them with your ability.

If you have a feel for RSS feeds you could give them some interesting fluff as part of your “Hello I Love You Won’t You” let me work for you routine. Sign up for an Appmaker account and send them to your Itunes app. Costs only 99 bucks for your developer license, cheap compared to ISS or Search Associates. Create the app by adding the feeds from your blog, your portfolio, your photos and anything else.

Course they would have to get there and be able to install your app so that might rule out a few people. From my experience they really don’t look at a lot of that stuff anyhow but…..

By the way soon to be on the App Store is the SSIS app. Well maybe not that soon, I forgot about it until the other day and I started a year ago. But it’s just RSS.

Could be cool.  Have a tournament coming to your school? Set up a couple of Blogs, a Flickr account, a Youtube account and send everyone an Itunes link to your app.

Here is a short video made from screenshots on my iphone of the SSIS app. Screenshots were taken into Splice then exported as a video and uploaded to my Vimeo account with the Vimeo app.



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