Conference Connections

One of my hopes after this years Shanghai conference was to look at the impact the sessions I attended had on what I was doing in the classroom. Three different sessions affected the last unit I created for my grade eight ICT 'Puzzling' photo (c) 2007, John Hritz - license:

My reaction to Dana and Stacy’s session, as I mentioned to Stacy, was that this was a “no duh process”. To integrate technology into the classroom there is no real need to reinvent everything. Start with the team, add the curriculum facilitator, add the tech integrator then together look at what has been done and add an appropriate technology. Cement all the pieces together by writing it all up in the curriculum map. The direction they are going in makes all sorts of sense:

you do not have to reinvent everything but facilitators have to be at the meeting to facilitate.

Well I am not part of a grade level team this year so I tried this out as a team of one. Take something I taught, Creative Commons, and reexamine it. Look at it from the curriculum perspective and map it out. Make it project based so that the learning comes from student involvement and participation. Have the students create something that shows what they have learnt. Have the students use their blogs to reflect on their learning.

My Map


What They Created

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