Using Slidedeck

Was using a SlideDeck on one of my class ICT blogs and trying to embed a video onto one of the slides. The video would show through the other slides so the net effect was not that great. I looked around and found out for Youtube videos that were using an Iframe you needed to add wmode=opaque after the link to the video (like shown below)”

and the problem was gone. I thought I would try this out with a SlideDeck I had made a while back to see if it would make a difference.

Still have problems with chrome but OK in safari and firefox. Will have to play with this some more and try it on the PC side at school.

Problem one:audio file
Audio player I had would not work with the slide deck. So I converted the audio to a .mov file. That would creep (you would see the .mov file on other slides) through the slide in chrome.
Solution:was a new audioplayer:though I can’t autostart the file yet.

Problem Two:clock video
Clock video still shows on other slides in chrome

[SlideDeck id=’1048′ width=’900px’ height=’400px’]

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