Creating podcasts with audioboo
Login to the account
Login to our audioboo acount then click on my profile.
Get Ready to Record
Start by clicking on the New Recording/File Upload. This will open the Create a Boo window. Click on Got your mic ready.
Add Your Audio
Click on start recording
Click on the Blue pause recording area.
Save Recording
Click on Happy Add Title
Add an appropriate title and use tags to describe your file eg. ssis, spanish, etc.
Add Extras
You can add an image and geotag the audio file. I added Saigon South International School to the search box to add the map location.
Get the Code
Click on the embed icon and copy the embed code then off to your blog.
Add Embed Code
Create a new blog post and switch to HTML by clicking on the HTML tab. Past the code into the blog post area. Add the appropriate blog categoreis and tags then publish your post.